Bringing Local Farmers Right to Your Table

Nalls is here to be your everyday farmer’s market.  We work with several area farms and orchards to bring you the freshest fruits and veggies possible. We strive to only carry the best produce and buy as much local produce as possible. We also carry heirloom produce from local Mennonite farms, and supplement our offerings with more conventionally-grown produce staples like bananas and avocados.

Nalls strongly believes in seasonal eating, so the produce center is constantly changing to bring in the fruits and veggies that are at their peak right now. Peaches do not grow in this region in the winter, so if you find them in the grocery store in December, they’re probably been shipped across the world and picked green. That’s why it is so special when peaches come into season in the summer, because they are just picked from the tree. Seasonal produce is fresher, tastier, and better for the local economy.

We also have a produce subscription program called Crop Share that makes it easy to build healthy eating habits and support local growers. We do the sourcing and the packing; you just come pick up your crate of fresh fruits and veggies!

What’s in Season


Expect to see local mushrooms, greens, cabbage, onions, and carrots this month. That includes freshly dug new potatoes, and baby potatoes, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. You might also see the beginning of Spring produce – like asparagus, strawberries, and peas. 


Expect to see local mushrooms, greens, cabbage, onions, carrots and potatoes this month. That includes freshly dug new potatoes, baby potatoes, leeks, green onions, and green garlic. You might also start to see local asparagus, strawberries, & radishes this month.


We are not able to sell the eggs from our hens, but we do carry brown pasture-raised eggs from Utopihen Farms. They come from happy chickens who get lots of space to roam outdoors, receive no drugs or hormones, and consume no pesticides.

“Pastured” is a step up in classification from “cage-free”. It means that the animals get to run around as they would in nature. The hens’ natural environment and diet means their eggs have dark yolks & high nutritional value. The hens are healthier, and so are their eggs!

We also carry pasture-raised duck eggs from Utopihen Farms.


We carry dairy products from South Mountain Creamery in Maryland. Their milk comes from grass-fed cows who are not pushed in growth or production by synthetic hormones.

We have milk in glass bottles, ice cream, and organic butter. Our customers love our rich chocolate milk, cream, eggnog in the winter, and the new ice cream flavors that come out every month.

We also carry yogurt, fresh cheeses, and dairy products from Clover Hill Mennonite Dairy.

Gourmet Foods

In addition to local produce, we carry an array of gourmet foods from independent businesses. We like to think of ourselves as a hub for local small businesses.

When you shop at Nalls you don’t just support us; you support our entire community.

We have incredible preserves, condiments, salsas, candles, popcorn, tea, snacks, granola, kombucha, pickles, coffee, local honey, spices, candy, and great seasonal items.

We also stock freshly baked bread from Panorama Bakery in Washington DC.

We are the perfect place to shop for the localvore in your life!